In the beginning of Yulbrada, the Earth, the Creator, Jindoo-the Sun, sent two Spirit men, Woddee Gooth-tha-rra, to shape it. They were from the far end of the Milky Way.
They made the hills, the valleys, the lakes and the ocean. When they had nearly completed their work, Jindoo the Creator sent seven sisters, stars of the Milky Way, to beautify the earth with flowers, with trees, with birds, animals and other creepy things.
The Seven Sisters were making the Honey Ants when they all got thirsty and they said to the younger sister, ‘Go and look for some gubbee, some nice water. Over there, in the hills. Go in that direction’. The little young sister took the yandee dish and she went in search of the water.
The Woddee Gooth-tha-rra, the two spirit men, they were in the bushes and they were spying on these women. They followed the minyma Goothoo, the younger sister, when she went for the water.
This young sister, she fell in love with the two men. The other six sisters went looking for their sister, because she had been gone for so long. They wondered where she might be. They were really very thirsty and they needed their water. After a while, they found her with the two spirit men.
The Creator, Jindoo the Sun, had warned them that should such a thing happen to any one of the sisters, she would not be able to return to her place in the Milky Way. When the six sisters finished their work, they returned to the Milky Way. The two men and the woman remained here on Yulbrada, the earth. Their special powers were taken away when they became mortal. They became the parents of the earth, who made our laws and our people-the desert people. They live by these laws today.
This is why the people of the desert have such knowledge and respect of the stars in the universe.
This story is bad
It’s not bad, it’s not a story, it’s what the aborigines believe in. You just say it’s bad because you can’t understand it.
hey thats not nice thats what their people believe so stop beiing mean u meanie. just like you believe some things.
you’re mean…… dont disrespect someones beliefs
I agree
This story is actually kinda interesting if i don’t say so myself
Beautiful story. Are the seven sisters also the Pleiades constellation?
Sorry Peter Hampton. we were talking about the other peter that left a comment bu then they must of deleted it as well as Julie must of too
Sally you are so dam right 🙂
I couldn’t agree with you more… xx
Yeah Sally this story is soooooooo bad
You should make a better story than this dodgie one…
i love this story soo much it has made we so inspired to do it as my Performing Arts project and I’m sure I’ll get an A on it…
Peter and Sally and Julie you guys are sooo rude to the Aboriginals/the creators of this dreamtime story…
This is a really nice story
One of my favourite Dreamtime stories
I’m so sorry sally but I have to agree with hamton,addison,nice person,kind human,amayah and Andrew they all respect the aborigines so why don’t you , so if you don’t like it sally get lost!!!! plus this is my homework don’t tell mum! by jimmy
good job guys!!
like your work!
Well lets see you do any better Sally u get a fricking life u selfish loser
bruh chill
hello world
Za Warudo
These comments are entertaining…. so thankyou