In the beginning of Yulbrada, the Earth, the Creator, Jindoo-the Sun, sent two Spirit men, Woddee Gooth-tha-rra, to shape it. They were from the far end of the Milky Way.They made the hills, the valleys, the lakes and the ocean. When they had nearly completed their work, Jindoo the Creator sent …
How the Water got to the Plains
Way, way back in the first time, when everything was new, there was a group of Aboriginal people living on a mountain. It was a lovely place, but everyone was worried. It had not rained for a long, long time and they were very short of water.They had some wells but these, except for one, were …
Aboriginal Creation Story
This is the creation story of Ngiyaampaa country, as well as the land belonging to Eaglehawk and Crow.Now long, long time ago of course, in the beginning, when there was no people, no trees, no plants whatever on this land, “Guthi-guthi”, the spirit of our ancestral being, he lived up in the …
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